Thomas Weingartner's Project Website

Hello, I am Thomas Weingartner. This website serves as my personal website. Right now, it run with an htmx/C++ stack. Slightly unconventional, but when I read about htmx it seemed it would make a decent interface with C++. I am able to statically compile Linux binaries that serve up these web files and handle various server side events with htmx.

My education consists of a Bachlor of Science from Colorado State University in electrical & biomedical engineeringand a PhD from the University of Florida. At UF I had the honor of studying under Dr. Mark Law working on Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD). The subject of TCAD is near to my heart as it is at the intersection of many different fields of study. One regurarly interacts with physics, material science, computer science, and engineering when studying TCAD. For more information on TCAD see the dissertation page.

My hobbies are diverse, because I maintain interests in many fields of study. Part of the goal of this website is to document some of the material that I have found valuable. This is partially for my own good, however, I have learned that the main benefit of the internet is finding valuable one off on an obscure website like this one.